
Showing posts from March, 2020


Maths - Number Concept (number counting) Take out your maths notebook.Leave first two pages.Start your work from page 3. Use well sharp pencil. Write the date on the left hand and CW on the right hand corner. Do not leave lines while writing the number counting from top to bottom. Open the link OR type- Learn counting big numbers for kids from500 to 600 and revise.
Good Morning  Dear Parents & Students  As we are having lockdowns everywhere due to Covid-19. We are preparing to go online on Blogger in case the Schools do not reopen on April 1, 2020. We are in it together for the love for our kids. I am looking forward to your continued support as we begin our online journey of this teaching learning experience. Let's begin by reading for at least half n hour.You may use any English story book / comic etc. In your practice notebook make sentence with - environment, safety Revise tables 2-10 for Maths. Read the and write the  following words in your practice notebook twice. surroundings, natural, human beings, mountains, beautiful Remember to stay indoors, wash hands regularly & stay safe. All the best! Thank you for your cooperation.
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