DAY-3 WEEK-3 (23/04/2020) ENGLISH/EVS/MATH/G.K.

DAY-3 WEEK-3 (23/04/2020) ENGLISH/EVS/MATH/G.K.

Good morning dear Parents and Students. I hope and believe that you all are safe in your houses with your families. Let us begin our day with new joy and enthusiasm in our heart.

7:30 -7:55

My dear champs, I request you all join your hands and say the prayer given below.

Praying The Lord's Prayer in a Pandemic: An extended prayer in ... 

Heartfulness- Sit in a comfortable posture, keep your eyes closed and think of something good that you have done to others. Keep yourself focused to whatever you have thought of. Let your mind and body relax for five minutes.
Open your eyes gently and do the AQAD question and check your answers the next day. Remember these AQAD questions are very important. 


LO - Recognize the punctuation marks comma (,) and exclamation mark(!)

       - Punctuate the sentences correctly.

       Students, yesterday we had done the recap of ' the sentence' in which you learnt some rules.Do you remember them?

They are as follows-

  • A sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense.
  • A sentence begin with a capital letter.
  • A sentence ends with a full stop, a question mark or an exclamation mark.
  • If a sentence asks a question, it ends with a question mark.

K        M        N        .        ?        ,          !

Today we are going to learn about comma (,)and exclamation mark(!)

Now take out your English Language notebooks/loose sheets, and do the following work very neatly. 

Period -2  MATH 

LO - the students will be able to recognize odd and even numbers.

Dear children, previous year we had learnt to spot odd and even numbers in three-digit numbers. This year let us locate them in the 4-digit numbers. Do you remember the ONES PLACE RULE?

You only have to focus on the Ones 

Place even now.

Kindly, watch the video link given below to understand the Odd and Even Numbers more properly.

Link -

Open your Math notebooks/loose sheets and complete the work neatly.

Do question number 4 and 5 on page no. 5 in your Seasons book.

Period - 3  MATH

LO - the students will be able to arrange the numbers in ascending and descending order

       - they will also be able choose the correct option for Asset Type Questions.

Points to remember- Ascending order means moving from smaller number to the largest number.
                                 Descending order mean to move from largest number to the smallest number.

Period - 6  EVS LESSON 2

LO - Students will be able to read the given text, think and answer the questions.

Stutents I hope you have read page 155 yesterday.I want you all to read read page no.156 today.

In this lesson you are learning the difference between humans and animals. 

 Do the given work neatly in your EVS notebook/loose sheets.

GK Topic -Animal worid. 

LO - Students will be able to learn and tell how animals are helpful to us.

1, We get-
    milk from cows, camels and buffaloes
    honey from bees
    silk from silkworm
    wool from sheep
    meat from hen, goat and pig
2. Horse, camel, ox and donkeys are helpful in carrying loads.
3. There are many animals that help in farms like oxen, cows etc
4.Cats help to keep away mice from our house
Draw your favourite animal and write 3 lines on it.

That's the end of the day. The following are the three words of the day.

(1) prison- a special building in which criminal are kept
(2) palace a large building where a king lives
(3) continued- to carry on with an activity and a process.


  1. Good morning mam
    Aarjav Jain
    Roll no.16

  2. Goodmorning ma'am, Eric Adekanmbi class 3E

  3. Yes ma'am
    Nevan Vineet Daniel

  4. Thank you ma'am
    Jeremy Samuel
    III E

  5. Good morning mam
    Ansh Airish Barjo 3 E

  6. Good morning ma'am
    Manas bhatt 3-E

  7. Good morning mam vansh kumar mawati 3E

  8. Good morning ma'am
    Soloman Johnson

  9. Good morning mam siddit arora 3 e

  10. Good Morning Ma'am, Thanggou Naulak, 3E

  11. Good morning Maam
    Dhatrish Shukla 3E

  12. Good morning ma'am
    Himansh Sharma
    3- E

  13. Good morning Ma'am
    Acelin Thomas Sijo

  14. Good morning ma'am Austin Pius 3-E

  15. Good morning mam
    Ryan peter3E Roll no 29

  16. Good morning ma'am
    Ashley Amit

  17. Good morning Ma'am
    Devansh Sharma

  18. Good morning mam,S.Aksrl Daniel,3E, 13


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