
Showing posts from May, 2020


SUMMER HOLIDAY HOMEWORK 2020-2021 Holiday Homework is an opportunity to spend quality time together. Time for strengthening family bond. Let your child take the lead and use his imagination, creativity and knowledge to do assigned task.         Dear students, look for some interesting books and read as much as you can and follow the guide lines given. Make a folder to keep your Holiday Homework Subject wise. Download/Copy the worksheets and activities from Redox and Blogs.  Keep the work well dated. The Summer Holiday Homework is planned on Weekly Basis. ENGLISH WEEK - 1 - 25th May 2020 - 29th May 2020 Practice worksheet on Nouns, jumbled words and sentences, compound words, opposites. (Worksheet is uploaded on the Redox) WEEK - 2 - 1st June 2020 - 5 June 2020 Fun Activity Worksheet.  Link words from each block to form a sentence. Color the correct spelling.  Link the word with the correct drawing. Kindly ...


DAY 5 WEEK 7(22.05.2020) ENGLISH/MATHS/EVS Good morning everyone. Let's pray for the people who are suffering from    Covid-19. After praying listen to the song, meditate and do some breathing exercise Let us all think and try our bit to make this world a better place for each other. TIME FOR AQAD -  YOU CAN GO ONLINE FOR IT. PLEASE SEE YOUR YESTERDAY'S ANSWER  ( go for class 3) PERIOD 1 & 6 MATHEMATICS LO- CHILDREN WILL BE ABLE TO DO ASSET TYPE OF QUESTIONS, ABACUS AND NUMBER NAMES. INSTRUCTIONS- Please do the revision work given below neatly in your math notebook. ASSET work to be done in loose sheets.Keep the work well dated in a folder. 22.05.2020                       REVISION 1) Write number names. a) 4098- b) 8856- c) 9008- d) 1309- e) 3030- 2) Draw abacus and arrange the following numbers on it.  ( ...


DAY-4 WEEK-7 (21.05.2020) ENGLISH/MATH/EVS/HANDWRITING Good morning everyone.Let us begin our class with the Lord's Prayer. Time to exercise. Kindly go to the given link for some PT Exercise. Time for some Brain Teaser. Go to AQAD link and do the question online.Please check your yesterday's answer. Kindly go for class 3 question. PERIOD - 1  ENGLISH LANGUAGE LO - The learners will be able to identify Subject and Predicate. INSTRUCTIONS - Do the following work in your English Language notebook. Watch the video on Subject and Predicate shared on yesterday's blog again. 21.05.2020                SUBJECT AND PREDICATE Circle subject and underline predicate in the following sentences. a) The cobbler mends our shoes. b) The kite is flying in the sky. c) The maid is sweeping the floor. d) The butcher sells meat. e) Tom and Jerry are playing in the park. f) The ducks are swimming ...

DAY 4 WEEK-7 (21.05.2020) CATECHISM

DAY 4 WEEK-7 (21.05.2020) CATECHISM Welcome dear boys to your CATECHISM CLASS.      T h e   R a i n b o w   P r o m i s e   In our last class we learnt about 'The Great Flood' which lasted for 40 days and 40 nights.  Today we will learn more about it. Let's read. Noah was 600 years old when the flood started. After the flood Noah sent a dove to know whether the water on Earth had receded or not. The dove returned with an olive branch. After the flood God promised Noah that he would never again destroy all creatures by a flood. God made the rainbow as a sign of this promise! Now, take out your Catechism notebook and do the following question and answers. Also draw and color the rainbow.  21.05.2020                            T h e R a i n b o w P r o m i s e   Q 1. How old was Noah when the flood started? Ans 1. Noah was six hundred years old when th...


DAY 3 20/05/2020 ENGLISH/MATH/EVS/GK PRAYER TIME - Good morning everyone.Let's join our hands and pray. TIME FOR PT EXERCISE- Go to the given link and enjoy TIME FOR SOME BRAIN EXERCISE- Go to the link shared for A QUESTION A DAY. Go for class 3- Its you COMPUTER ASSESSMENT today. Kindly remember to do it. PERIOD 1 ENGLISH  TOPIC- THE SENTENCE- SUBJECT AND PREDICATE LO- Learners will be able to identify two parts of the sentence i.e. subject and predicate. INSTRUCTION- Read the explanation carefully and watch the video on subject and predicate before doing your work in English Language notebook. Kindly click on the link and watch again and again to clear the topic. 20.05.2020         THE SENTENCE- SUBJECT AND PREDICATE                    A sentence ca...

DAY 2 19/05/2020 WEEK 7 ENGLISH/EVS

DAY 2 19/05/2020 WEEK 7 ENGLISH/EVS Welcome Dear Parents and Students. Let us begin our day with the Prayer.                                                      Time to exercise! Click on the link below and get started. Enjoy with music. Time for some brain exercise. Visit  and attempt the question given for class 3. PERIOD 1 ENGLISH LITERATURE LO- Learners will be able to do ASSET worksheet. INSTRUCTIONS - Boys you are requested to read the passage carefully( twice ) before attempting the questions. You can take a printout or copy the work on a sheet.Do not forget to keep your work well dated. You will be asked to show all the ASSET work when the school gets open. PERIOD 2 ENGLISH LANGUAGE LO- Learners will be able to recall omission and possession rule for using apo...

DAY 2 19/05/2020 WEEK 7 CATECHISM

DAY 2 19/05/2020 WEEK 7 CATECHISM Welcome to your Catechism Class kids. Today's topic is- THE RAINBOW PROMISE Today we will learn about The Great Flood which lasted for 40 days and 40 nights and all the people and animal got destroyed except the eight people who were in the arc and the animals and birds who were in the arc. Let us now click on the link shared below to know more about the flood during Noha's time. ACTIVITY- Make a paper boat(paper folding activity) and paste it in your catechism notebook. Write the names of the people and animals you would have kept in your boat/arc if you were NOHA. GOD BLESS YOU AND BE OBEDIENT TO YOUR PARENTS, TEACHERS AND GOD ALSO MAKE A HABIT OF READING 2 TO 5 VERSESW DAILY FROM THE BIBLE.


DAY-1 WEEK-7 (18/05/2020) ENGLISH/EVS/MATH/CHILD PROTECTION Good morning dear parents and students.  Let us begin our day with the Lord's Prayer. Do the AQAD by clicking on the given link. Today is your Hindi FA 1. Kindly see Mrs. Gautam's Blog. PERIOD - 1  ENGLISH LANGUAGE LO - The learners will be able to use apostrophe correctly. INSTRUCTIONS - Dear children, do page no. - 22 and 23 in Sultan Chand Book. Points to remember - Some nouns ending in - s, we use only apostrophe ( ' ) to show belonging. Examples -  birds' nest,  soldiers' gun Jesus' parables teachers' lectures students' notebook PERIOD - 3  CHILD PROTECTION Topic - I Respect my Body! I Respect Your Body! We Respect Personal Space! LO - The learners will be able to fill in the correct words/marks. INSTRUCTIONS - Do the following work in A 4 size sheet. Keep the work well - dated. 18/05/2020            ...

DAY-5 WEEK-6 (15/05/2020) ENGLISH/MATH/FA -1 EVS

DAY-5 WEEK-6 (15/05/2020) ENGLISH/MATH/FA -1 EVS  Good morning everyone.  Dear children let's begin our day with the Lord's Prayer and some P.T. exercises. CLICK ON THE LINK TO EXERCISE AND ENJOY AQAD - Do your AQAD by clicking on the link Dear students you have your EVS FA-1 today. Go to the link and do your Assessment . PERIOD - 1  MATH LO - The learners will be able to solve the story sums. INSTRUCTIONS - Do the following word problems in your Math notebook. 15/05/2020                             Story Sums I. Solve the following story sums.( please do not draw pictures) (a) In a school library there are 3425 story books and 2304 subject books. How many books are there in the library?    ____________________________________________________________________...


DAY 4  WEEK 6  14.05.2020 (ENGLISH/MATH/EVS/HANDWRITING) Good morning everyone. ITS TIME TO PRAY . Let us say the prayer in the image below. Time for some mindfulness for clarity.Kindly click on the link for some mindfulness meditation . AQAD  Boys, its very important to do your AQAD on regular basis. So click on the link and scratch you brain a bit. www, PERIOD 1. ENGLISH LANGUAGE TOPIC- NOUN- SINGULAR/PLURAL LO- Learners will be able to revise rules for changing noun number INSTRUCTIONS- Please take out your English Language notebooks to complete the work. Do not forget to watch the video on NOUN NUMBER. Click onto the link and learn. 14.05.2020       NOUN NUMBER RULE 5 -  If a noun ends with a - y and the - y has a consonant before it , its plural is formed by changing the - y an into - ies 1) arm y - arm ies 2) countr y - countr ies 3) repl y - repl ies RULE 6 ...


DAY 3 WEEK 6 13.05.2020 FA-1 ENGLISH/ MATH/ GK/ EVS PRAYER TIME - Good Morning to all Parents and Students, Let us begin our day with the Lord's Prayer. Boys please sit comfortably for mindfulness.Click on the link given below, listen to the music and practice mindful breathing. TIME FOR AQAD (AQUESTION A DAY) _______ Dear parents and students, 1. Please go through the following: * E - Circular * Principal's video * Steps to login through the school id A. Brother’s Message B.  E-Circular C. Steps to login For today's ENGLISH FA1 please click on the link given below , fill in the form carefully and submit it. ...